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How to Cut Liquid Tight Conduit?

Sep. 21, 2023

Liquid tight conduit is a type of flexible conduit that is commonly used to protect electrical wires from moisture, dust, and other environmental factors.  It is made of a flexible outer covering and a waterproof inner core that keeps the wires inside dry and safe.  Cutting liquid tight conduit can be a challenging task if you are not familiar with the proper techniques.  In this article, we will explain how to cut liquid tight conduit safely and effectively. 


Liquid Tight Flexible Metal Conduit

Tools Required: 

Measuring tape 


Pipe cutter or hacksaw 

Deburring tool or sandpaper 


Step 1: Measure and Mark the Conduit 

Before cutting the liquid tight conduit, you need to measure and mark it accurately.  Measure the length of the conduit that you need and mark it with a marker or pencil.  Use a measuring tape to ensure that the measurement is accurate. 


Step 2: Choose the Right Cutting Tool 

To cut liquid tight conduit, you can use either a pipe cutter or a hacksaw.  A pipe cutter is a specialized tool that is designed for cutting pipes and conduit.  It is easy to use and creates a clean cut without any burrs.  A hacksaw is a more versatile cutting tool that can be used to cut a wide range of materials, including conduit.  However, it requires more effort and skill to use and may create jagged edges that need to be smoothed out. 


Step 3: Cut the Conduit 

Once you have marked the conduit and chosen the right cutting tool, it is time to cut the conduit.  Hold the conduit securely in place and align the cutting tool with the mark that you made.  Use a pipe cutter to create a clean, straight cut along the mark.  If you are using a hacksaw, make sure to cut slowly and steadily to avoid jagged edges. 


Step 4: Smooth Out the Edges 

After cutting the conduit, you may notice some rough edges or burrs.  These can be sharp and pose a risk of injury if left untreated.  To smooth out the edges, use a deburring tool or sandpaper to remove any rough spots.  Be careful not to remove too much material, as this can weaken the conduit and compromise its ability to protect the wires inside. 


Step 5: Install the Conduit 

Once the conduit is cut and smoothed, you can install it in the desired location.  Make sure to secure the conduit firmly in place and ensure that it is properly aligned with the electrical box or other components that it is connected to. 



Tips and Tricks 

Always wear protective gear, such as gloves and eye protection, when cutting liquid tight conduit. 

If using a hacksaw, use a fine-toothed blade to create a clean cut. 

To prevent the conduit from slipping while cutting, clamp it securely in place or have someone hold it for you. 

When using a pipe cutter, make sure to rotate it around the conduit to create an even cut. 

Be careful not to over-tighten the pipe cutter, as this can damage the conduit. 

Use a cutting oil to lubricate the cutting tool and reduce friction, which can make the cutting process easier. 

If you are cutting a large number of conduits, consider investing in a specialized conduit cutting tool to save time and effort. 


Cutting liquid tight conduit requires precision, patience, and the right tools.  By following the steps outlined in this article, you can cut liquid tight conduit safely and effectively, ensuring that the electrical wires inside are protected from moisture and other environmental factors.  Always remember to wear protective gear and take your time to create a clean, straight cut that is free of burrs and other rough spots.  With practice and experience, you can become proficient at cutting liquid tight conduit and ensure that your electrical installations are safe and secure.

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